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Singing Together

Middle East Benefit Concert

Thank you for joining us!

This performance has been a journey, and we were honored and uplifted by everyone who attended.

We raised $9,028!!!

At this point, we are still hoping for a few donations to come in from overseas. 
We would love to reach $10,000 if we can!

If you would like to help us reach that goal, you can pitch in with the link below. There is a place under the admissions where you can donate any amount.
You can also see below for further actions that you can take.

Thanks to everyone for coming, for supporting, and for believing!

We are raising money for the following organizations:


Women of the Sun

Food distribution, shelter provision, and emergency aid for families in Gaza and the West Bank. Currently focusing on shelters, especially tents, in preparation for the winter ahead.

As an organization, working to empower women in Palestinian society, and striving toward a peaceful resolution to the conflict along with Women Wage Peace.


Israeli Children’s Fund

Supporting children in Israel who have lost one or both parents in the October 7 attack, including Arabs and Bedouins.


Women Wage Peace

Sister organization to Women of the Sun, women who work to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict, based on their shared belief in the Mother's Call: That the majority of the people in our region are united in the human desire for a future of peace, freedom, equality, rights, and security for our children and the next generations.

We Would Like to Thank:

Mission Dolores Basilica for hosting us in their beautiful hall.
Jerome Lank, musical director at the Basilica
Amelia Romano, ticket managing, promotion, and general support
Nur Katz, promotion and ticketing
Nicole Lederman, promotion and ticketing

The rest of our ticketing team: Mia Payan, Ramya Gopal, Yael Levy, Stav Zeitouni

All our friends and families, for being so supportive
All of you, for joining us!

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Further Action:

From where we are in the United States, it can be challenging to take a full part in the struggle. But there are things that we can do! Our voices can influence others to seek peaceful solutions, and we can support peacemaking efforts by donating to organizations on the ground.

If you would like to help us further in our cause, please consider the following:

1. Sign up! We would love to tell you about future events. You can also help us by telling your friends.

2. Learn More!
We encourage you to acquaint yourself with the organizations we are working with. You can find links to their websites above.

3. There are other organizations doing similar work in the region. Here are two that we know about:

Standing Together
Israeli Jews and Arabs working together inside Israel, to promote peaceful coexistence and solutions to the conflict.

Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families For Peace
Basing their work on the most tragic common denominator we have: Family members of those who have died on all sides of the conflict use their experiences as a springboard for mutual acknowledgement, cooperation, and peacemaking. They have tens of hours of informational material on their website and YouTube, in addition to joint events for bereaved families - some of which are attended by tens of thousands in-person, and hundreds of thousands more online. 

4. Please tell your friends about this work!

5. Join events in your area. We are happy to tell you about a collaborative concert of classical music, for example, that will be held in December, with Jewish Israeli and Arab musicians:
Polyphony Ensemble
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5. Oshman Family JCC, Bldg. F, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto. $34. 
7:30 p.m. Sat. Dec. 7. Performance, followed by conversation between Nabeel Abboud-Ashkar and J. Editor-in-Chief Chanan Tigay, at Congregation Emanu-El, 2 Lake St., S.F. $40.

6. Initiate! If you have an idea for a local event, talk to people and make it happen. You can also get in touch. Maybe we can help.

7. Donate if you can. Our donation page is still open through this weekend, if you are able to give more to our cause.
You can also donate directly to the organizations through the links above.

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